WEEK 26 QUAD BUMPDATE! Except I’m actually 26+5 in this photo and sharing at the 27 week mark which you’ll also get an update on in a few days. If you want a sneak peek at what’s going on at week 27, have a look at my story.
🙈 But back to week 26, this was the week I found myself at the hospital for abdominal cramping that just turned out to be… Constipation. So there’s that. You’re welcome. At this point my body seems to be handling the pregnancy well aside from the 500 stretch marks that have appeared out of no where and increased pelvic pressure. There’s also the modest 49 pounds I’ve already gained or the fact that at 26+5 I’m measuring FIFTY WEEKS. Nbd.
Babies are all looking great, developing on track, and baby d’s fluid that was once a bit excessive is now back in perfect range. Babies are all SUPER reactive and responsive to me poking at them. It’s truly incredible to feel 4 humans moving at one time. So grateful we have made it this far and am counting every single day as a major win. Trimester 3, I’m comin for ya. 💛