When Anton and Anna learned the mother was expecting again, they had triplet sons. What a shock it must have been for them when the past happened again. They had three boys and three girls in a relatively short amount of time.
But Anna’s illness diagnosis put an end to the family paradise. This was the direct cause of the woman’s death following the second labor.
Anton took care of all six of his children when he was left alone. He did it all by himself.
As soon as word got out about the man’s situation, he began to get messages from women who were eager to help Anton and step in as the children’s mother. The only woman that piqued his interest, though, was Lyudmila.
He went on a double date with her on their first outing. All of his children were accompanied by him. It turned out that it wasn’t for naught. As a result of their attachment to Lyuda, the children were reluctant to part with her.
Anton and Lyudmila came to the realization that they belonged together. A time later, they tied the knot.
Additionally, Lyudmila’s ex-husband was the father of her son. Being the older brother of six children brought him joy.
Having seven children was quickly deemed insufficient by the couple. From a low-income family, they took in two children whose parents had lost their parental rights.
This is how Anton and Lyudmila managed to create a large, welcoming, and affectionate family.